The Inside Conditions of a Beehive can be Controlled by the Beekeeper for the First Time
Press Release – Portsmouth, NH, December 2, 2019 – Bee Fortress USA Inc., an organization focused on protecting Honey Bees in their home, on December 2, 2019 launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund the production of a new and innovative beehive.
The company’s flagship product, the Honey Bee Defender bee hive, dramatically improves the survival rates of Honey Bees, by allowing the beekeeper to maintain optimum control over the conditions inside the hive. The patent-pending inventions by Bee Fortress USA founder, John Rocheleau can lead to higher honey production, provide bees with a healthy and temperate environment, and stop most invaders from entering the hive. Rocheleau calls it an “optimum fortress for honey bees.”
According to a recent report, a record 40% of Honey Bee colonies in the United States died over winter in 2018, and 58% in New Hampshire (Rocheleau’s home state) perished. Rocheleau lays blame to this mortality on inhospitable conditions inside the most common bee hive in the world, the Langstroth hive, where temperatures can be on par with the inside of a kitchen freezer, or as hot and humid as a greenhouse in July. Southern, human-bred bees barely have a chance in northern winters. And all bees struggle to make honey in excessively high relative humidity in a Langstroth. Honey bees generate metabolic heat that varies in proportion to the number of individual bees in a colony. Each bee has wings for fanning themselves and evaporating water from nectar. Thus, if colony numbers are low, for any reason, their capacity to efficiently do their life’s work is diminished, as is their chance of survival.
Ants, hive beetles, wax moths, hornets and wasps, mice and Varroa Destructor mites target honey bees for easy sustenance. Even mankind depends so much on the product of the bees’ hard work. Until now, so little has gone into modernizing the 167-year old Langstroth hive, patented in 1852. The Langstroth is designed for ease-of-use by humans. Its design does nothing special for the bees that they couldn’t already do on their own.
Rocheleau’s career in Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC), began in Tech School, in 1980, and led him to his first invention, in 1996. Then, in 1999 he licensed numerous inventions to a market leader in New England, where these products are in many modern homes. Rocheleau even has his own line of HVAC products. A problem-solver since a young age, and a hands-on and hopeful beekeeper has combined to produce the Honey Bee Defender bee hive.
This hive’s components were designed to solve specific problems inherent in Langstroth hives, and work in conjunction with Langstroth frame boxes. A beekeeper can start with just one Honey Bee Defender component, the Vestibule, and build out a new innovative hive with the remaining Bee Fortress USA products, all of which promote survivability in Langstroth-style boxes.
Funding the Fight to Save the Bees
Backers of our campaign can also support our research and development of a solution to the worldwide Varroa Destructor mite epidemic. Mites feed off the bees’ “fat body” and infect them with diseases that are the scourge of the beekeeping industry. Bee Fortress USA believes it is possible to create an organic solution that works in hours, not weeks or months, to eradicate a colony’s mites. If this is true, then, in the near future, expect a game-changer from Bee Fortress USA R&D, funded with backing now.
As part of the Indiegogo fundraising campaign, Bee Fortress is offering stakeholders in the fight to save Honey Bees, up to 30% off the Honey Bee Defender bee hive and perk/components retail price.
Full details of the campaign can be found here:
More information on how the Honey Bee Defender beehive comes to the Defense of Honey Bees can be found here:
About Bee Fortress USA Inc.
Bee Fortress USA Inc. is an organization focused on protecting Honey Bees in their home by engineering modern beehives and solutions to keep Honey Bees comfortable through different climates, as well as safer and healthier.
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